Business communication services

AH Infrasturcture Zrt's managed leased-line service provides a continuous and direct communication link between customer-specified terminal nodes on a wholesale basis, enabling the connection of the local networks of branch offices to a larger service network and to the Internet in addition to providing fast and secure data, voice and image transmission.

The Metro Ethernet service (enabling the connection of local networks) provides a continuously managed, flexibly scalable Ethernet-based leased-line connection that enables fast and secure data communication between the customer-specified nodes and the connection of terminal nodes.

Our Internet service enables fast and secure access to domestic and international Internet networks in addition to continuous monitoring and availability. The service provides an ideal solution to connecting local area networks to the Internet.

AH Infrastructure Zrt. offers the management of the full or partial installation of optical and point-to-point or point-to-multipoint microwave equipment including drawing up the feasibility plan, ordering the equipment, conducting the authorization procedure, applying for frequency allocation, drawing up the implementation plan, the implementation and frequency monitoring and the putting into service procedure.

AH Infrastructure Zrt. also offers the maintenance, operation and continuous monitoring of existing microwave connections and networks.